Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Developing a Personal Purpose Statement Part 6

Developing a Personal Purpose Statement
Part 6
Closing Line

Congratulations…you have reached the end of this exercise; the closing sentence of your personal purpose statement. This is where you find a single sentence that completes the journey. Your closing purpose is the last thing you want to remind yourself to stay in balance with your entire statement.

Mine: “To leave this world better off than I entered it!”

Whatever you need to say to remind yourself of what you are working towards.

Once you have created all of these lines you know have to put them together as one full statement. This is not something you need to commit to memory as that can produce apathy about it. Rather, I like to refer back to it and refresh my mind to the exact words from time to time. Your goal is to know the idea of your purpose. If for any reason you lose balance you can look back at your entire statement and remind yourself of where you are and where you are headed.

Now that you have created your “Personal Purpose Statement” print it out and post it where you can look at it from time to time. However, remember not to become complacent or apathetic about it. Again, congratulations on your success! Should you have any issues with the process you can comment to me on Facebook, and I will do my very best to assist you along the way.

I wish you all the love and blessing on your journey to self-empowerment. Live fearlessly!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Developing a Personal Purpose Statement Part 5

Developing a Personal Purpose Statement
Part 5
A Positive Contribution

Now we move into the part where we decide what kind of positive contribution we want to make. This can be sharing knowledge, wisdom, encouragement to others, or anything you feel will leave a positive mark on this planet that will live on through others.

What is kind of contribution can you make that will leave a positive impact and wake behind you for the betterment of all?

This is actually the easiest for me because I have always been this kind of person so I found my words comfortable.

Again this is a single sentence that encompasses your positive contribution, or contributions.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Developing a Personal Purpose Statement Part 4

Developing a Personal Purpose Statement
Part 4
Intentions and Motives

Now we move on to the next line. This is where a list comes in handy. Make a list with two columns. The list will be all the positive intentions and motivations you have in life. Columns 1 will be all the things that are important to you. Column 2-all the things you want to accomplish in your lifetime that are positive. One way of looking at this is would be to ask, “What do I want to be remembered for?”

Make sure to create as long of a list as you can. The more information you put down the better you can write the next line. Don’t limit yourself on ideas or creativity.

This exercise takes several days for some people so again schedule time to do this when you won’t be interrupted. Allow plenty of time to create a full list to draw from.

Once you have created that list you now need to look over all the information in front of you and come up with another line that consists of a positive intention. Something you plan to do that is a one-line sentence of action.

Ex: “To do no intentional harm to others” The motive or intention here is to be kind and no inflict pain on others while achieving my purpose.

Work out a sentence that works for you and makes sense with your motives and intentions. You are the author of your life, but remember what is most important for you to be remembered for.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Developing a Personal Purpose Statement Part 3

Developing a Personal Purpose Statement
Part 3
First Line-Integration of Header

Now we will be taking the header statement and integrating it into a sentence that will constitute the first line of your statement. Your first line is an affirmation of positive action.

Ex: I am a courageous person and I will use my courage to aid others.

Whatever you decide on for your header will become part of your first sentence of purpose. It becomes a positive action statement as well.

Mine is: “I am a powerful woman, who purpose is to help restore the balance and harmony that has been striped of this world”.

My action is to restore “balance” and “harmony”. These are the key actions in my first line.

This may take some time to complete. I had some difficulty coming up with this first line allow space to be creative on this. Whatever you decide it must be a positive action. You also need to consider that whatever you write here must be something that can serve you no matter what your current or future circumstance are or will be. Don’t make a statement that has to continually be revisited. This is a statement that will serve for your lifetime. However, should you find yourself re-creating it down the road that’s fine. I prefer to create just one if at all possible.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Developing Your Personal Purpose Statement-Part II

Developing a Personal Purpose Statement
Part 2
Header Affirmation

Now that you have created your list of gratefuls it is time to begin the very fist line of your personal purpose statement.

The Header as an affirmation:

Think of an affirmation for yourself. What statement makes you feel good about yourself? Pick something that is 3 or 4 words in length as this is just a short, but powerful affirmation.

Ex: Your Name__________You’re Amazing!
Ex: Your Name__________You Are Strong!
Ex: Your Name__________You Are Courageous!

And so on. Find an affirmation that makes you feel really good. Put your name first and the affirmation. Also, make sure that everything is in upper case so that it is a Header at the top of your statement page.

Once you have created the header you will then create the first line of your statement. Create your Affirmation header now.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"Developing Your Personal Purpose Statement-Part I" Exercise

Developing a Personal Purpose Statement
Part I
Attitude of Gratitude

I am revisiting this subject from the book because I feel we have no fully covered the topic well enough for everyone to complete the task. So here we go…

Begin with an attitude of gratitude by listing 3-5 things you are truly grateful for:

1.   I am grateful for…
Ex: I am grateful for a loving spouse (regardless whether they are or not!)
2.   I am grateful for…
Ex: I am grateful that the sun is shining today.
3.   I am grateful for…
Ex: I am grateful for the friends who love me.
And so on.

By listing the things you are grateful for you are creating a positive space in our mind to harbor feeling of gratitude. You must be in a positive place mentally to write a positive purpose statement.

Begin by clearing a space in your mind to be at peace. Tune out all the noise that is distracting you, and turn off the internal dialogue. This is your time and your time only.

If you find yourself struggling to create the space for yourself don’t stress. You may need to try again at another time. However, I would encourage you to schedule this time for yourself.

Have a piece of paper, your note taking app on your phone, or whatever device you prefer for documenting. You will need to refer back to this information in the next set of exercises so don’t lose them!

Remember that this is an exercise in what you are grateful for, and not what you are “not” grateful for. Don’t allow yourself to say things like, “I am grateful such and such didn’t happen, or so in so didn’t whatever”. You want to be grateful for anything that you have or don’t current have in your life. You are bringing the things you want into your life and maintaining them by being grateful for having them. In other words, you are manifesting the things you want in your personal life to exist.

So…begin with 3-5 things you are grateful for now. Create that time to do so, and we will move to the next step in creating your personal purpose statement.

Enjoy and Many Blessings!